Folk School Program
In the 200-year old tradition of the Danish Folkehøjskole, the Belle Ame Folk School Program is a place for young adults to awaken the inner life in a multi-week residential program with inspiring teachers and peers who share a common culture and aim.
Folk School students set aside personal electronic devices to take classes and workshops, participate in the artful living events on campus, and help maintain and beautify campus grounds and facilities. We eat together, work together, learn together, laugh together, and mutually nurture beautiful souls.
What is the Folk School like?
Folk School classes do not give grades or credits. There is no standard or rigid curriculum. Students engage out of a deep desire to enrich their soul and come alive to the beauty, wonder, and majesty of beauty and truth.

Life-long Learning
This isn't about degrees or qualifications, but development that lasts a lifetime. Any person over age 18 is welcome to apply. Classes typically include arts, music, philosophy, history, social sciences, agriculture, and handcrafts.
Community Living
Students and program directors live together, sharing meals, classes, cultural events, and campus work. Our moto is non sibi sed allis - not for self only, but for others. Together we enjoy storytelling, singing, workshops, and outdoor exploration

The Living Word
While books have a place, the Folk School prioritizes learning through "the living word" with inspiring teachers. This often takes the form of a forum, discussion, seminar, or hands-on instruction.
Campus Life
Men's Housing
In Little House, daylight basement
Bedrooms: 3
Beds: 8
Shared bathroom and laundry
Women's Housing
In Big House, walk-out basement
Bedrooms: 2
Beds: 8
Shared bathroom and laundry
Standards Commitment
All participants in campus programs must agree to wholeheartedly uphold the Campus Standards Commitment. These standards form the core of our campus culture, which is nourished and maintained by the private, individual choices of each student and staff member. A breach of these standards may result in a dismissal from the Folk School.
How old do I have to be to attend the Folk School Program?
All Folk School students must be at least 18 years old before the first day of the session they plan to attend. While the experience is intended primarily for young adults (roughly ages 18-26), there is no upper age limit to apply. Grundtvig, the founder of the folk school movement, believed students should be at least 18 to join because he saw them as places for mature, independent learners. He valued life experience, personal choice, and the ability to engage deeply in discussions. At this time campus cannot accommodate married couples in a private room. If couples choose to apply, it is with the understanding that each spouse will room with the other students of their same gender.
How many students will be in each session?
As the campus currently has limited housing spaces, 2025 Folk School sessions will accept up to twelve students (six women and six men). Because men and women are housed separately, we cannot currently fill men's spots with women, or women's spots with men. This means that if not all slots for a given gender are filled, the session will host fewer students rather than filling the empty spots with applicants of the opposite gender.
Can I attend more than one session?
Students are welcome to apply for multiple sessions. When a returning student applies for an additional session, admission priority will be given to students who have not attended before. If there is a spot available after first-time applicants have been placed, returning students may be accepted.
What is and is not included in the tuition cost?
The tuition cost covers housing, food, class materials, courses, and all campus experiences. Tuition does not include personal spending money or travel costs to and from campus. Students are required to arrange for their own transportation to and from campus, arriving and departing on the dates and at the times specified for each session. It is sometimes possible for campus staff to provide transportation to and from the Kansas City airport. Please email once accepted for a session to check if this will be available on the dates and at the times you will be traveling. Campus does not guarantee airport transportation will be generally available.
What classes will be offered?
In each session, classes will be offered in the arts, teaching, traditional skills such as gardening and cooking, and history. Specific topics or skills within these subject areas will vary from session to session. Rather than providing a standard curriculum, the Folk School follows the pattern of "learn from great teachers, regardless of what they teach". We define great teachers as good men and women who's hearts are educated, who have a passionate, ongoing relationship with their subject area, who light the fire of interest and desire in their students, and who include God in their work. Our goal is to bring these teachers to our students, regardless of the specific topic they choose to teach.
I know I can't bring headphones, but what about my phone?
If they choose to bring a phone, students are encouraged to leave it in their rooms throughout the day. The Standards Commitment includes prioritizing in-person interactions over interaction via phones and time on screens. If you choose not to bring a phone (which is great!), we have a campus phone available which you can use to contact family if needed, and where they can contact you. We promise you'll love the freedom you experience as your attention re-awakens through the restoration of all your "in-between-moments". For many people, those moments of waiting, awkwardness, or boredom are stolen by electronic devices. But these are the very moments when our hearts and minds are ready to wander, explore, notice, and discover. Putting away all devices for several weeks is essential in the Folk School's work to awaken the inner life. You'll find you fill those "in-between-moments" with relationship-building conversations, life-giving daydreams, great books, and much more. But what about pictures!? We have staff who take pictures constantly, and make them available to program participants. Trust us, the trade-off is worth it.
Can I teach at the Folk School?
We are actively seeking inspiring teachers for all 2025 sessions. This is primarily a place for those who are especially interested in being part of the folk school experience and community, and working with students who attend because they want to. If you would like to propose a course, regardless of its length (anything from a single class period to a multi-week course can potentially function well), please email and provide as much detail as possible about yourself and your proposed course. Belle Ame Campus compensates all staff members on a "sufficient to meet needs" basis. That is, when considering a staff appointment, contract, or teacher engagement that would benefit campus programs, we ask, "what compensation would be sufficient for your needs"? Many donate their time, while others are able to contribute with travel provided. Still others may need modest monetary compensation in order to offer their talents. All this is done to create a spirit and culture of "non sibi sed aliis" - not for self, but for others. This spirit is an essential component of campus culture.